2023 Staff Retreat
This year, ADSS selected RWS for our staff retreat, where we took some time to know more about what we want in the school and get to know each other better.
ADSS staff retreat took place on 17 November 2023 at RWS. The staff retreat involved all school leaders, teachers, and members of our school admin team. We took some time in the morning to take stock and think about where we want to be headed. The morning session saw all staff actively engaging in discussion as we envision 2030 together. In the afternoon, through a simple team-bonding activity in RWS and SEAA, we got to have some fun together and know each other better in the process.
Engaged Discussion in our Desired Future for ADSS

Sharing our Headline for ADSS in 2030

Congratulation to Admirals’ Run Team! Run Team Run!

One Donut for All? Sharing is Caring

Creativity Unleashed in from of Van Gogh Exhibition

Find Manja Qin Qin