Computing & Computer Applications
In alignment with the school’s vision – Values-centric, Thinking School, the subject involves formal reasoning, logic and algorithmic thinking, and the reformulation of a problem so that a computer-based solution is viable. It allows students to develop their ideas and creativity through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and hence contribute to society.
In addition to Computer Applications, Computing is offered as an ‘O’ Level subject to provide students with the foundation in logical thinking, computational thinking and skills to participate in a rapidly changing technological environment.
Programmes and Outcomes
Our teaching is largely anchored by applied learning. Students approach the learning based on solving open-ended problems and learn by doing. With integrative use of hardware and software, students created new artefacts to solve real-world problems.
“You have to be resilient and keep trying to solve a problem. Taking the time to solve challenging problem helps to train the mind and become better at coding.” - MUHAMMAD SADIQ BIN SUHAIRI (A5)
“Just like solving a hard mathematics problem, solving a hard coding problem is very fulfilling” - DEELYS LEE YAN QI (A6)